Thursday, April 15, 2004

He's a maniac!

Yes, your beloved M did this. But it was the lovechild of us both.

Source: Yahoo...I think.

M, 12:00 AM {+}
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Sunday, April 11, 2004

Sources: Yahoo!
Pirates of the Caribbean webby.

(Pirates of the Caribbean is copyright Disney. So yeah. We don't own it. We just make goofy little parodies.)

M, 10:15 AM {+}
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Friday, April 09, 2004

Cucumber ENVY!

Why don't they have cucumbers like THIS in the states? I could use a few...

(Sorrysorrysorrysorry so sorry about the lack of updates. L's been busy and I've been lazy.)

Image source: Yahoo!

M, 11:44 AM {+}
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